About Us

To date, hosting your website or social media presence after your death has a variety of unexpected complexities.  Currently upon death, websites are not maintained, host providers cease services due to unpaid fees, active links are not maintained, and web services cease to function.  There has been no easy, reliable solution available to fix this problem.  Death can happen unexpectedly at any time. 

Typically, once you pass away, your credit cards stop being paid or are terminated by surviving family members.  Then, your hosting bill, or social media fee, isn’t paid and your digital presence gets shut down.

NO MOREDOMAIN ASSURANCE GROUP is there to preserve the existence and functionality of your website domain and social media presence immediately upon death.  This can be assured for any number of years after your death, at your option.  Plans are renewable.

Moreover, by maintaining your web hosting service and social media presence, DOMAIN ASSURANCE GROUP helps ensure your website and postings retain their place in search engines such as Google, Bing, and others. 

Keeping your website and social media presence active is probably the last thing your grieving family or friends want to focus on.  Let us be your solution today!

If you don’t, you risk your legacy being misinterpreted, lost, or simply becoming digital litter. It’s time for a digital legacy plan.